Thursday, May 14, 2009


The constitution professes our polity to be federal whereas in reality it was at best quasi-federal for a long time in a sense that the centre was too strong for the states. Post 1990 ,there has been a continual dilution of the status - so much so that now it seems to be a case of reverse federalism - in that the regional outfits are king makers. The situation has come about primarily on account of the national parties sticking mostly to vote bank politics and simultaneous strengthening of the regions economically on account of liberalisation.
It is a dangerous positon to be in since the polity becomes centrifugal rather than centripetal as it was designed.Not that a fragmented polity translates into a fragmented India but it sure does imapact the growth adversely.In situations such as these , the nation has to make do with creations like the common minimum programme-which can at best ensure incremental growth( as the nomenclature suggests ).Whereas in an ideal federal state there should be a possibility for a maximum common programme too wherein the government tries to realise cumulatively all that has be promised by the coalition partners. India should come up with national coalition(s) led by national party(ies) with regional outfits as junior partners on the basis of both a common maximum programme ( about what needs to be done ) as also a common minimum agenda (about what "not" to do-viz.Keeping Art. 370, Ram Temple issue etc. away ).Only then can we be a healthy federation.

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